Eurofacts Oy

Eurofacts is a firm of experts on society — a knowledgeable partner in forecasting, impact and communications. We facilitate effective dialogue, effective interactions and effective cooperation. We help businesses and other organizations in Finland and beyond make sustainable decisions and achieve their goals.

We create impact. We increase understanding. We make our clients more competitive. Our tools are our lobbying, communications and management consulting services. Everything that we do is based on thorough background research and analytical evaluation.

We are a reliable and experienced partner who always operates responsibly. We count listed and medium-sized companies, organizations and public sector bodies among our clients.

Eurofacts is a private Finnish company, established in 1989, which operates as part of the international FleishmanHillard global PR and marketing agency network. Eurofacts shares the FleishmanHillard vision of being the world’s most equitable and inclusive PR agency network in the world.


Eurofacts is an independent company forming part of the global FleishmanHillard community. It is one of the world’s most respected and largest communication, marketing and PR firms. The network is present in over 30 countries and includes over 130 offices. With Eurofacts, you can create impact in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa, from Brussels to Dubai and from Washington to London.

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Let's succeed together

Eurofacts supports you in both big and small changes.

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