
Between 2016 and 2023, Eurofacts was the local PR firm for the American audio equipment manufacturer Bose. We supported Bose in its long-term brand building efforts, and particularly in generating earned media visibility in cooperation with our international FleishmanHillard network.

Partnership over several years gave Bose a strong market position, a positive public image, and excellent relationships, in particular with technology and lifestyle media.

Media relations

Eurofacts handled Bose’s PR and media relations in Finland between 2016 and 2023. We increased brand awareness and formed and maintained media relations. We were the client’s press officers. We built and ran media registers and newsrooms. We coordinated loans of test products and product reviews in the run-up to global product launches.

Communication support and content production

We delivered Bose’s communications in Finnish in Finland as part of an international communication team. We localized and wrote a large number of understandable, engaging press releases and news pieces aimed at the target group.

Media monitoring

Eurofacts systematically monitored media coverage of Bose and regularly reported on the results.

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Let's succeed together

Eurofacts supports you in both big and small changes.

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