Analyses & reports

Data, data research and data analysis are at the core of what we do. We paint a picture of the present and future with the help of facts. Increasingly, we exploit the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence.

Communication analyses

We analyse the state of our clients’ communications with the help of media, social media, message and brand analyses. We present a picture of the organization’s true position on the market. Through analysis, we can work with the client to build effective and data-based strategies and operating plans.

Societal analyses

We produce up-to-date and bespoke reports and sectoral overviews, stakeholder and operating environment analyses, and political and decision analyses. With the help of analyses, our clients better understand their own position in relation to society and are able to enhance their societal impact affectively and competitively.

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Let's succeed together

Eurofacts supports you in both big and small changes.

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